Introducing my health and lifestyle blog


The Jeppzone - A health and lifestyle blog

Hi there! A very warm welcome to those of you who have found your way here to my little space on the internet. My name is Jesper Olsson Laine, and I’m a Swedish 30-year-old software developer by profession and a health enthusiast by heart. In this health and lifestyle-focused blog, I will share experiences from my health journey, share my thoughts on different health-related subjects, and to some extent go through what the research says on said subjects. I’m primarily writing this blog as a learning experience and as a way of documenting my health journey, but I also hope that some of you can find inspiration in the subjects that I write about and the experiences that I share. I’ll aim to publish at least one post per week.


To give you some context and background as to why I’m doing this, I have a long history of gut issues, brain fog, feeling lethargic, and a myriad of other issues. I have had these problems for the majority of my life, at least since I was 14 or 15. These issues have been major enough to affect my life negatively, but not severe enough for me to ever really seek help. I kind of thought that feeling like this was the norm. That this is the best that I can ever feel. Fast-forward to 2019. That’s when my girlfriend, who was beginning to form an interest in health and lifestyle at the time, bought a course for me about healing the gut. So that’s really when my journey towards better health started. I got a bit better after doing the suggested elimination diet in the course and I lost 13 kg in a month, which was absolutely insane. I went from 90 kg to 77 kg, which was absolutely not my intention. I just wanted to focus on my gut health. That’s part of why I think that weight loss is a consequence of bettering your health, and not the other way around. Anyway, after the elimination diet, I kind of reverted back to a worse diet and lifestyle because I did not have the real inner drive and interest to better myself that much, and I was not willing to make the “sacrifices” in lifestyle necessary to heal myself for real.

I think my real interest in health and lifestyle started somewhere around the summer of 2021. My girlfriend suggested I listen to Dr. Mark Hyman’s podcast The Doctor’s Pharmacy and I never really looked back. From this podcast, I found a myriad of other interesting podcasts and books. I mention some of my favorite resources down below, and I will list relevant resources in every blog post as well. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here and that your interest in health and lifestyle will spark or grow even bigger than it already is!

Resources I like

  • The Doctor’s Pharmacy - Podcast by world-famous Dr. Mark Hyman. Covers all things health, lifestyle, and environment. A great starting place for people looking to being their health journey.
  • High Intensity Health - Youtube channel and podcast by Mike Mutzel. A great resource for people looking for the science behind a variety of health concepts like fasting, exercise, hot & cold therapy, and much more.
  • Dr. Sten Ekberg - Youtube channel by my fellow Swede Dr. Sten Ekberg (content in English). A low-carb and intermittent fasting advocate who covers a broad spectrum of health and lifestyle-concepts.
  • The Plant Free MD - Youtube channel by carnivore advocate Dr. Anthony Chaffee. Great if you’re looking to familiarize yourself with the carnivore diet and the potential benefits it can have to all parts of life.
  • The Human Upgrade - Podcast by “the father of biohacking” Dave Asprey. Has a good variety of content with a specialization in all things biohacking and longevity.

Disclaimer: The contents of this site is for informational purposes only and should not be seen as medical advice